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What was I thinking when I selected that bimbo Sarah Palin as my running mate? posted by anonymous | |
Conservative hot air rises during primary season posted by anonymous | |
Wow! Did I screw up choosing this dizzy Sarah Palin broad as my running mate! posted by anonymous | |
What? Sarah Palin quit as Governor of Alaska! That woman is even goofier than I thought! posted by anonymous | |
Well if she would stop coming into my bedroom without knocking she wouldn't see things like this! posted by anonymous | |
DAMMMMM! I hope my crack dealer is home ! posted by anonymous | |
WOW! WHAT A MESS! I guess it's a good think they didn't make me president! posted by anonymous | |
Too... much... hot... air... posted by bud | |
I don't think Cindy would still be with me if they hadn't invented that Viagra stuff! posted by anonymous | |
Why do I need a technology policy? Karl Rove will be making the decisions anyway posted by anonymous |