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who has his hand in the airrer and is about 5 seconds from getting his ass kicked....this guy!!! posted by crazyminded | |
posted by anonymous | |
Hello, my cracka posted by anonymous | |
lay me some skin, brother! posted by anonymous | |
If this dude don't stop this white boy rapping I'm gonna kick his white wannabee butt! posted by anonymous | |
I'm not touching your hand. You didn't wash your hands in there, did you? posted by rock_n_sock | |
Howdy! I'm your new neighbor! I just got out of prison. posted by anonymous | |
Well, aren't you a gloomy gus. Hey!! Give me five way up high! posted by anonymous | |
Just try it, playa posted by anonymous | |
Dude! I'm going to knock them curls off, if you don't back away. posted by anonymous |